NeoGeo Artwork

This section contains examples of Artwork used to promote the NeoGeo and it's games. These include Flyers, Marquees and Inserts.

All the artwork is listed alphabetically using the 8 character 'Set Names' established by the MAME emulator. Details about each game can be found in the 'Games Info' section.

I cannot take credit for all of these scans as many were emailed to me or found on the web at a variety of sites which have since disappeared. I have however cleaned up, repaired and resized most of them for better image quality.

  NeoGeo Game Flyers

These Flyers are examples of some of the collectable promo material which NeoGeo Game manufacturers would distribute with their games or use to advertise them.
Some flyers were single sided, some double sided and some folded booklets.

Flyers 1-30 (Set Names #-M)

Flyers 31-57 (Set Names M-Z)

  NeoGeo Game Marquees

NeoGeo Marquees are special semi-transparent plasic promotional cards supplied with MVS games which give basic instructions on how to play a game.
They are sometimes referred to as 'Mini Marquees' as they fit onto the illuminated panel at the top of an arcade cabinet alongside a larger 'Header Marquee' which often features the game name.

Marquees 1-30 (Set Names #-K)

Marquees 31-60 (Set Names K-P)

Marquees 61-90 (Set Names P-W)

Marquees 91-94 (Set Names W-Z)

  NeoGeo Game Inserts

NeoGeo Game Inserts are 'Basic Instruction Manuals' of sorts, spread across one or two pages. They feature additional gameplay info, general game/system info and artwork.

Inserts 1-30 (Set Names #-T)

Inserts 31-35 (Set Names T-Z)

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